Friday Coffee with MAP - May 31, 2024

"5 Habits of Successful Leaders"

Hello , and welcome to Friday Coffee with MAP!

Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden once said, “Before you can lead others, you must be able to lead yourself.” As a leader, introspection and self-assessment are critical. This week's article provides five practical tips for becoming a more effective leader in today's workplace. Adopting some of the piece’s suggested habits may be crucial for long-term success, as personal leadership growth can significantly impact your own trajectory– as well as that of your company.

Happy reading!

5 habits of successful people leaders and how to develop those skills
from Linkedin’s Official Talent/Development Blog

A company’s leadership builds its culture, and the most effective leaders consciously model the values of their organizations through their actions and relationships with their teams. These five habits are worth cultivating and sharpening to make sure your leadership fosters the best possible atmosphere & action within the groups you lead.

  1. Lead with Empathy: Support your employees by being an active listener and then giving them diligent updates as to how you are taking their thoughts on workplace experience and progress into account. Be present with them, with 1-1 Zooms or in person meetings, and in all interactions show them that you take their concerns & thoughts seriously.

  2. Embrace Change: The best leaders are not content with standing still. Leaders who invest in adopting new technology set themselves apart as forward-thinking, making it easier to attract and retain great talent. Get employees involved in the change, by encouraging them to experiment and report on experiences with customers or tools.

  3. Act as a Mentor: Effective leaders mentor their team, and actively support their growth. Identify skills your team needs to develop, and actively provide support or resources for cultivating those skills. Active mentorship can help you identify talent that is ripe for promotion.

  4. Welcome Different Views: Consensus can be a dangerous thing; the happiest employees feel comfortable speaking up when they have an issue. A good leader fosters open communication, and does not take criticism personally. They seek out second opinions among their employees.

  5. Encourage age-diverse hires: Right now there are four generations prevalent in American workplaces; each of them bring distinct & innate strengths. 89% of talent professionals surveyed say that a multigenerational workforce makes a company more successful. Make sure that employees from different generations interact and learn from each other.


So tell us: What is an unexpected quality you’ve admired in a leader? Is there a leadership trait that you have tried to cultivate over time?

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you,

The MAP Team

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