Friday Coffee with MAP - February 9, 2024

The Productivity Boost Missing From Your To-Do List

Hello, and welcome to Friday Coffee with MAP!

This week’s article flips a well known productivity tool– The To-Do List– on its head in a surprising and useful way. Sure, it's crucial to stay organized and jot down your tasks for the day, but those to-do lists written at the outset of a work day are hardly ever fully completed. New tasks pop up. Existing tasks get complex. Distractions outside of your control shake your focus. At the conclusion of the day, one may experience a sense of defeat despite having put in considerable effort. This week's article offers a new tool that may put a stop to this, without hindering your productivity.

Happy reading!

by Alexa Course for The Wall Street Journal

Traditional to-do lists can be as detrimental as they can be helpful. Unexpected distractions arise, certain tasks spiral. They can often leave us feeling defeated and ineffective.  

The Done List: Why not celebrate the small wins of the day and create a feeling of momentum simply by creating a list of tasks you’ve completed. At the end of the day, a “Done List” can create a greater sense of accomplishment and ability.

Small wins drive Big Achievements: A study involving over 200 white-collar workers revealed that clearly stating incremental progress on a bigger goal directly contributed to happiness in their work lives, and a crucial driver of performance.

Removing Ambiguity: Sometimes big goals do not have clear benchmarks, and progress can seem ambiguous. A “Done List” refocuses the journey of achievement on the smaller building blocks success requires.

Redefining Success: All too often, we equate not having completed a task with having done it wrong, or having failed. A “Done List” reminds us that our work and dedication can be unpredictable- and forces us to remember that there is always room for an unfinished task on the “done list” of tomorrow.


So tell us: How do you organize your tasks on a given day, and does the “Done List” seem like something you might benefit from implementing?

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you,

The MAP Team

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